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 The International Legal Foundation has been named the NACDL's 2021 Champion of Public Defense 

 "The ILF has secured the release of hundreds of incarcerated  people at high risk of COVID-19 and advocated to protect the health and safety of the global prison population." 


 Read the full press release

Our Mission

We make justice a reality for poor people by fighting to guarantee high-quality legal representation for everyone arrested or detained. Around the world, we provide criminal defense services and build sustainable, effective legal aid institutions. 

Our Impact

From the lives of individuals, to their families and communities, at the international level, and in countries around the world, our work has impact.

20190827_Nepal_Sabina Mijar, former PDS

Where We Work

Shah-du-shamshira Kabul Afghanistan
Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar at s
Palestinian olive trees from areas surro
Traditional old painted door in a histor

Our Approach

Our unique approach builds sustainable, locally-led legal aid systems and drives meaningful criminal justice reforms. 

Areas of Focus

We focus on specific issues that drive disparities in the criminal justice system and are at the root of injustice around the world. 

Racial, Ethnic& Religious Minorities
Pretrial Justice
Pretrial Justice
Children & Youth
Children & Youth
Gender Equality
Gender Equality
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